大家好,我是一个代码界的“多面手”,熟练掌握Java、JavaScript、Vue、Android、Python、Django、MySQL等多种技能,堪称“技术栈的杂货铺”。每天和代码打交道,偶尔也会和bug谈一场轰轰烈烈的“恋爱”,但我从不气馁,毕竟“bug是程序员的终身伴侣”。 Java是我的老朋友,JavaScript是我的左右手,Vue让我在前端世界里如鱼得水,Android让我在移动端大展拳脚,Python和Django则是我的“瑞士军刀”,啥都能干。至于MySQL,它是我存储数据的“保险箱”,虽然偶尔也会闹点小脾气,但总体还算靠谱。 工作之余,我喜欢研究新技术,写写博客,分享一些踩坑经验。毕竟,独乐乐不如众乐乐,独踩坑不如众踩坑。希望未来能和大家一起在代码的世界里愉快地“打怪升级”!
Hello everyone, I'm a versatile programmer, proficient in Java, JavaScript, Vue, Android, Python, Django, MySQL, and more. You could say I'm a "one-stop shop" for tech stacks. I spend my days wrestling with code and occasionally having a passionate "romance" with bugs, but I never get discouraged—after all, "bugs are a programmer's lifelong companion." Java is my old friend, JavaScript is my right-hand man, Vue lets me navigate the front-end world with ease, Android allows me to shine in the mobile space, and Python with Django are my "Swiss Army knives"—good for almost anything. As for MySQL, it's my "safe box" for storing data. Sure, it throws a tantrum now and then, but overall, it's pretty reliable. In my free time, I enjoy exploring new technologies and writing blogs to share my bug-fighting experiences. After all, sharing joy is better than enjoying it alone, and sharing bugs is better than suffering them alone. Looking forward to leveling up with all of you in the world of code!
- 微信/Wechat:lengqin1024
- Github:https://github.com/geeeeeeeek